Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So what's happening here? You are all doubtlessly asking yourselves. Well, it's pretty simple actually: I realized suddenly that I need to leave some kind of legacy. Well, some kind of legacy that doesn't already include my children and various bits of artwork that may or may not survive the decades and somehow, some way, turn a pretty profit once I've shuffled this mortal coil. This legacy to which a refer is a legacy in the form of an auto biography. But... it's so much more than that.

I'm not one for sitting down and serving up a heaping helping of past life. It just won't work that way because my thoughts are very similar to a disorganized filing cabinet. I know where some things are stocked, and a few things are alphabetized, but for the most part it's a desk under duress and disarray. So, the best way for me to gather my thoughts is to just lay out pages as I recall them; bit by bit and page by page. Hey, its what works and hopefully, at some point, it'll be cohesive enough to gather into a volume or two.

And there it is, folks: As much about me as I can remember no matter how piddly or unimportant those things may seem. It'll be funny sometimes, and others it'll probably be melancholy and heart-wrenching. But so goes the catharsis of yanking bits of one's life out by the piece. Besides, I have secrets even I've chucked into the mildewed basement of my mind that have gone forgotten and seemingly lost. So, as most catharses go... this'll be good for me, too.

Anyway... that's how it's gonna go. So, hop board because, who know, the ride might be kind of exciting.

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