So, let's catch up to just where I sit at this point. As you know, if you've been keeping up, my parents have just gotten separated, and I think it's sometime in the fall of 1987. This makes me about 13, and a decision has been made that I am going rogue. Yeah, I made the conscious choice to become kind of an elusive jerk. In fact, after my dad moved out, my mom and the three of us moved with my mom to Fescue, which was a street on the complete opposite end of the exact same neighborhood. Which in and of itself, was great because I still wasn't too far away from my friends... especially Kerry Frieben. I say this because it was there where I spent the majority of my time both after school and on vacations from same. He really kind of took me in and became like a surrogate 'older brother' to me. And Chad was there on occasion as well, but it was most often Kerry and I and we did so much stuff together.
Oh, and it was also at this time that my mom got us a baby sitter. Yeah, one of those. Fortunately, he was a really great guy from a family that my Grandparents knew named Rick. He wasn't strict in the least and pretty much just let us do what we wanted to do... within reason. I am convinced, however, that my mother told him that I was skating through a rebellious period and to just let me be. Rick was cool with it, and I was so infrequently home that he hardly had to deal with me anyway. So all was good.
Kerry and I would go fishing, hiking, bike riding, out to movies, and spend countless hours wasting life away on his myriad video game systems like the Atari 7800. We were inseparable. We were, in fact, just like brothers and that was just fine. But what about my real brother, you might be asking yourself? Well, sadly, I honestly do not remember. I do know during our tenure on Fescue he got really big into pets. He had a rabbit, a snake, a lizard, and probably some fish. So I'm assuming this was he release from the stress going on round us. And as far as my sister went, well, she was 7, so as far as I know she was the real reason for having Rick around. She had a few friends, as well, but beyond that... I just can't remember much more.
I still enjoyed Scouts and my dad still took the time to make sure I made it to and from my meetings, though at this point he was no longer actively involved other than to assist me on projects and the occasional weekend gig. And speaking of my dad, it was this time he moved away from his own parents' house... again, and found an apartment at the then-new Candlewyck complex.And it was also this time where I witnessed a few things from my dad that as an impressionable youth... well, I was pretty disgusted with and damn frightened. You see, he had been on a local Softball league for a few years and one of the things they did after a game was to go get pirate-drunk. Look, I'm not blaming him for that... far from it. What I am holding against him is taking us to the very bar in which he'd slowly fall into inebriation because the whole team knew the owners and did the same with their kids. And it was at this time when he'd drive us, drunk, back to his apartment and I'd lie awake nights listening to him regurgitate his sorrows. Is it any wonder I'd taken on a slightly angry air? I'm asking you like you were there... yikes.
Oh, and before I finish this entry, this was also the time my mother began dating a member of my dad's Softball team. Just so bizarre.... but I'll get more into that next time.
See ya then...
Oh, and it was also at this time that my mom got us a baby sitter. Yeah, one of those. Fortunately, he was a really great guy from a family that my Grandparents knew named Rick. He wasn't strict in the least and pretty much just let us do what we wanted to do... within reason. I am convinced, however, that my mother told him that I was skating through a rebellious period and to just let me be. Rick was cool with it, and I was so infrequently home that he hardly had to deal with me anyway. So all was good.
Kerry and I would go fishing, hiking, bike riding, out to movies, and spend countless hours wasting life away on his myriad video game systems like the Atari 7800. We were inseparable. We were, in fact, just like brothers and that was just fine. But what about my real brother, you might be asking yourself? Well, sadly, I honestly do not remember. I do know during our tenure on Fescue he got really big into pets. He had a rabbit, a snake, a lizard, and probably some fish. So I'm assuming this was he release from the stress going on round us. And as far as my sister went, well, she was 7, so as far as I know she was the real reason for having Rick around. She had a few friends, as well, but beyond that... I just can't remember much more.
I still enjoyed Scouts and my dad still took the time to make sure I made it to and from my meetings, though at this point he was no longer actively involved other than to assist me on projects and the occasional weekend gig. And speaking of my dad, it was this time he moved away from his own parents' house... again, and found an apartment at the then-new Candlewyck complex.And it was also this time where I witnessed a few things from my dad that as an impressionable youth... well, I was pretty disgusted with and damn frightened. You see, he had been on a local Softball league for a few years and one of the things they did after a game was to go get pirate-drunk. Look, I'm not blaming him for that... far from it. What I am holding against him is taking us to the very bar in which he'd slowly fall into inebriation because the whole team knew the owners and did the same with their kids. And it was at this time when he'd drive us, drunk, back to his apartment and I'd lie awake nights listening to him regurgitate his sorrows. Is it any wonder I'd taken on a slightly angry air? I'm asking you like you were there... yikes.
Oh, and before I finish this entry, this was also the time my mother began dating a member of my dad's Softball team. Just so bizarre.... but I'll get more into that next time.
See ya then...